Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) Takedown Request Under the conditions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 the copyright owner of a digital work is entitled to file a Takedown Request (section 512) which notifies us that ( may be linking to copyrighted material.

From the DMCA 1998 Section 512: “Under the notice and takedown procedure, a copyright owner submits a notification under penalty of perjury, including a list of specified elements, to us ( Failure to comply substantially with the statutory requirements means that the notification will not be considered in determining the requisite level of knowledge or infringement by us. If, upon receiving a proper notification, we promptly remove or block access to the material identified in the notification, we are exempt from monetary liability. In addition, we are protected from any liability to any person for claims based on its having taken down the material. Penalties are provided for knowing material misrepresentations in either a notice or a counter notice. Any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material is infringing, or that it was removed or blocked through mistake or misidentification, is liable for any resulting damages (including costs and attorneys’ fees) incurred by the alleged infringer, the copyright owner or its licensee, or us.”

If you are (or if you represent) the copyright owner of anything on this website then please contact us via e-mail using the contact button below.  is not responsible for any download links as we do not host any files in our server. All the resource, themes, software, games and all the download links are collected from online blogs and forums. And the information presented here maybe used for informational purposes only. Entering our site would be automatically agree with the given condition.

If your copyrighted material has been posted on and you want that material to be removed, contact us and of course. We will remove it within 24 hours from this website.

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